Support for Military Moms to Be

Having a new baby comes with it's fair share of challenges. 

When you're in a military family, those postpartum challenges can be even tougher on parents. Most military families have relocated far from home and have difficulty finding the support they need while they're navigating the first few weeks postpartum.

A strong support system is as important as ever for military families relocating or at the helm of deployment and a postpartum doula is there to fill in all the gaps. 

Planning for Baby 

Trying to come up with a birth plan is stressful enough and military parents are often required to make decisions on their own while their partner is away. With all your family and friends in other towns it can be difficult to feel confident and excited about welcoming your new baby. Whether it's deciding on nursery colors, thinking of the perfect baby name or just getting all your supplies in order, there's a lot on your plate as a military mom-to-be and knowing you'll have doula support as your baby makes their big arrival is incredibly reassuring. 

Baby's Big Arrival

We understand how difficult it can be for new and veteran military moms to settle in during those first few weeks postpartum. It's our job to make that transition as seamless as possible. Postpartum doulas offer a helping hand with baby care, breastfeeding and lactation support, overnight feedings, bath time, and even some help around the house. 


The Role of a Doula

For new moms, your doula can keep you feeling confident and you can be sure that you're receiving all the answers and resources you need for all things baby care and postpartum recovery. With your other half far from home, a postpartum doula offers physical and emotional support that can really boost your confidence while you're settling into parenthood. 

For veteran moms welcoming another baby into their family, postpartum doulas offer a unique element of comfort while their partner or family is absent. As your doula takes over some of your to do list, moms are given the chance to rest, shower or devote some of their energy to a healthy amount of daily self care.

No matter how big your family is growing, those first few weeks settling in with your newborn is stressful.

We're setting out to be the comforting and supportive foundation that parents can count on and the force that keeps all military families empowered to be as happy and healthy as possible on or off their military base or with their partner absent. 

Parenthood takes teamwork. 

The Decision


“You want to hire a what?” I replied to my wife.
“A Doula.” She clarified.
“Like a Ma ‘Doula’ oblongata? (Water boy reference)” I jokingly retorted.
“Now you’re being silly.” She said with a look of disapproval.

Okay so I can’t say I really understood her request at the time. Being a guy, and not a particularly informed guy on all of the intricacies of being pregnant, I can say I only vaguely understood the dynamics of her request.

She had mentioned something about Doulas before, but I thought it was just another one of “those things” my wife had read about during the course of her latest pregnancy.

You know how it is.

Mention you are pregnant, or that your significant other is pregnant, and everyone has an opinion on the most important thing you can do for your baby, or yourself during your pregnancy.

Advice comes in all forms; everything from scientific fact, to a surefire old wives tale, to down right horror stories that happened to someone’s
sister/cousin/family member somewhere.  With all of this unsolicited advice one could simply go crazy trying to follow everything ever said about the proper birthing of children.

“Okay, I apologize.  What is a Doula?” I inquired.
“Well, They are someone you can ask questions to regarding your pregnancy in general. They are there to support you through the kind of pregnancy you’ve chosen.  They will act as an intermediary between you and the doctor so you don’t have to feel rushed or bullied.” She explained.
“So what you’re saying is they are a Mother-in-law for hire.”

I said almost instantly regretting my untimely wit.
“Well,” she said pensively, “Kind of”.

I had only mentioned this because we had recently moved to Kentucky from Utah only 7 months prior.  My mother had travelled down to Utah to be this
kind of support for us at the hospital for our previous 3 children, and I thought it would be an advantage to have her there for this one as well.
You know seeing how we were now so close.

I honestly couldn’t understand why we needed to hire someone to guide us through a process we’ve already been through 3 times before.

“Here is why this is important to Me. “ she began
1.      The Doulas can travel to us in less than an hour if needed. Your mom is 6 hours away.  Should I go into labor, I know my support will be here on
2.      Doulas have experienced hundreds of births.  They’ve seen everyway babies can be born. They are trained to support multiple birthing
techniques, from lamaz to Hypnobabies and several others.
3.      If something unexpected happens, like the baby decides to come late, doctors are trained to follow a prescribed action like c-section. Doulas are trained in other techniques that may encourage movement from the baby
before needing to resort to expensive surgery.
4.      And most importantly, and I mean no offence to you, they offer an emotional support that you simply don’t understand.  They’ve been through
childbirth before and understand how emotionally taxing the process can be.
5.      Unlike mother-in-law, they’ve received certified training, in labor support.  I know you’re mom had 8 children herself, but that was nearly 30 years ago.  Things have changed and the Doulas are ready with the latest health knowledge and techniques

So as I’ve mentioned before I’m not an informed guy when it comes to Childbirth.  I mean I listen to my wife, I validate her concerns, and support her decisions, so even though I know I don’t understand; I know this is important to her.  Reluctantly I agree.

Meeting the Doulas of Kentuckiana

So after a quick phone call, Janette scheduled our initial consultation with the Doulas of Kentuckiana.  To my surprise they offered to meet us at our home.  This was my first indicator these ladies were the real deal.
This was a confirmation to me they cared to meet us in our space, they got to know everyone in our family, and really personalized the experience to

A different set of Doulas we had interviewed wanted to meet us at their office.  They made no effort to know our family and the whole experience
seemed somewhat impersonal.

Jesse and Brittany were super professional and gave us the time we needed to ask our questions and explore our potential solutions.  They shared
their knowledge of what our options were and took into consideration Janette’s previous experiences and feelings.   They stayed until everything was asked and answered and it didn’t take a lengthy discussion after they left to decide to hire them.

The Birth

Leading up to the due date we weren’t sure which way we were having this baby.  Janette wanted to do a VBAC but our situation was tricky because we
had already done 3 cesareans.  It’s difficult to find anyone who wants to deal with that.
The Doulas of Kentuckiana supported our decision to do a trial of labor.
Although Janette and I made the decision previously that if our baby boy hadn’t come 4 days after the due date, we were going to deliver again via c-section.  No-one probed or coaxed us to do it this way.  This was Janette’s plan and our Doulas supported us.

The day came and we found ourselves at the hospital prepping for surgery. Brittany was on call that day and she met us at the hospital according to our plan.  To our surprise the Doctors at the University Hospital asked us
if we wanted to continue the Trial of Labor for a while longer, they gave us our options and the pros and cons and allowed us to make a decision.

Under normal circumstances we had some tough decisions to make.  This was a weird variable from the plan we had set. We had come in to have a
C-section but because of the clear instructions the Doulas of Kentuckiana set in our birth plan, the hospital wanted to verify we were okay with
proceeding.  After some checking and deliberating with Brittany Janette decided she was okay with the C-section.

After the delivery Brittany stayed with us till Mom and Baby were together, calm, and settled.

That’s when I understood.

A Doula is more than a hired mother-in-law.  They’re more than just a sideline cheerleader.  They are a professional support, an informed and
experienced advocate, and luckily, in our case, new friends we can turn to with questions.  They have been a support to Janette in ways I never could
during the first months of postpartum.

Janette is my best friend, closest companion, and the love of my life. She’s supermom to my children, and the mother ship to our newest arrival.
I’m grateful to know I was able to give her the support she wanted, during a time I couldn’t understand why.  I just knew it was important to her, so it was important to me.  Hiring the Doulas was a major piece of the puzzle, which allowed us to tuck this experience away as one of the most
beautiful of our lives.

Christopher d'Argy is a Mentor, Blogger, & Father of Four with a passion
for sharing the things he loves. Technology, Talent, and Personal stories
are amongst some of his favorite things to share.


Quick Spring Getaways

As the seasons change, we start itching to be more active and get bit by the vacation bug.

It's not always realistic to plan a big vacation before your annual summer vacation with the kids or even a babymoon before your little one's arrival. Instead, why not improvise and take a weekend trip away or even a daycation!

The act of getting out and about will keep you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the last of your wintertime blues. 

The Big Beautiful Babymoon 

The last minute opportunity to indulge before your baby officially makes their debut is the new craze with expectant parents. Since you won't have the opportunity to squeeze a vacation into your postpartum routine, a babymoon is a breath of fresh air to keep your pre-baby jitters at bay. Take a weekend to get a couples massage, relax at a fancy bed and breakfast like Maple Hill Manor or take in some fresh air at one of the beautiful state parks nearby. Your babymoon can be as fancy as you'd like, but if you're in those last weeks of pregnancy it might be a good idea to skip theme parks and attractions that are more physically demanding. 

Quick Kentucky Getaways with the Kids

Your kids are feeling the cabin fever of the winter months too and anxiously awaiting spring break and a chance to adventure. There's no rule that says a great family vacation means a week long excursion that's hours away. With all the great attractions for kids right here in Kentucky, you can put together a fun family friendly vacation on the fly.

Kentucky Kingdom is an obvious favorite with the kids and only a short drive away. Make your theme park stay a little more extravagant with an overnight hotel stay and a big breakfast at a family friendly restaurant like Wild Eggs where the kids can order whatever breakfast strikes their fancy. You can check out the Lost River Cave that features underground boat tours through a natural cavern with plenty of workshops for the little guys. We also have a ton of kid friendly museums to explore during a weekend getaway that isn't going to break the bank. 

Staycation at Home

Who says you even have to leave home? As the weather gets nicer, there's plenty of family fun that's free in your own backyard. Literally. 

Why not plan a big movie night outside, complete with a campfire and s'mores? You can order some take out or a few pizzas and make your outdoor movie night a real event. Get your hands on a portable mini projector that will take your family's movie nights to new heights! Grab some inflatable kiddie pools and fill them with pillows and blankets for cozy lounging in the grass. Hang a few strings of Christmas lights around the backyard to make things extra special. 

A staycation doesn't have to be crazy or even expensive to be a fun family adventure, just think outside the box and don't be afraid to get a little creative. 

Awaken some springtime adventure!

Whether you're planning a romantic babymoon with your sweetheart, an exciting weekend adventure around Kentucky or even a backyard party at home, there's plenty of fun to be had without even wandering far from home. 

Staying Super Mom Through Flu Season

Cold and flu season is creeping up on us. 

Which means bad news for the busy mom. 

It's hard enough to keep on track with everything you need to do as a mom, being sick just doesn't help. In fact, nothing comes to a screeching halt when you're sick and you have no choice but to keep on going.

We came up with a few survival tips for the moms out there that are trying to keep up once they've gotten sick.

Make It Easy for Kids to Help Themselves

Keeping snacks and drinks for kids in an easy to reach space can help your kids be a little more independent for different meals throughout the day. Keep snacks in individual bags, and fill up sippy cups with water or juice to hold them over throughout the day. Even if you usually take home the gold with family dinners, have plenty of snacks that your kids can put together a meal with. They'll feel a little more grown up getting to choose and you'll be able to post up on the couch while you battle this cold.

Let the Kids Entertain Themselves

So if you're home sick with the kiddos, you'll have to be okay with the idea of some messes happening. While you're sick with a nasty cold, it's hard to be picky when you don't have the energy to keep your kids entertained. As long as they're safe, this might be the day to let them build forts or use the couch cushions on the floor while they watch TV. It's always a good idea to keep some back up games and projects to entertain your littles for snow days, or when you're feeling under the weather. Your day might not be action packed with activities around town, but we guarantee they'll be able to make their own fun.

Call In Reinforcements

Don't be too proud to call in some reinforcements when you're feeling sick and need a little help. Whether it's a postpartum doula for help with newborn care or a relative to step in as an emergency babysitter, you'll be happy to see their car pull up in the driveway. With some extra help around the house you'll have the opportunity to get some extra sleep or take a hot shower to break up some of your congestion. 

When you're sick, you can't exactly take off your mom hat to rest and relax. 

Don't get discouraged when you get sick or feel guilty that you're taking some time to recover. You're still a super mom if you take it easy and go with the flow for a few days. 

Giving Gifts as Experiences

So the big gift giving season might be over, but at some point in the year ahead you’ll be buying another few gifts.

Whether it be for birthdays, thank you’s or graduations, our culture has a habit to overlook the meaning of gifts and fall into the trap of buying more stuff for our families.

We have plenty of “stuff” lying around and it’s time we change the way that gifts are given.

Instead of a tangible gift, we love to give the gift of experiences.

When you give the gift of a trip, adventure or experience you are giving memories. Tickets that don’t expire or gift certificates to local events can be used on the recipient’s own terms.

Give the gift of fun on a rainy day while stimulating the economy of local businesses.

Here’s some of our favorite experiences to give in place of tangible gifts for every occasion in the Louisville area.


Louisville Zoo

Zoo passes are so much fun and support such an amazing cause. When you frequent the Louisville Zoo or sign up for season memberships,you’re providing local jobs and resources for the animals. Not only do kids love the zoo, but it also makes an adorable date spot for a couple in your life. The Louisville Zoo offers day passes and different membership tiers for any budget. It’s a fun and educational day out that makes the perfect gift for any occasion.

Marengo Cave

Sometimes it’s easy to take for granted all of the awesome natural resources we can adventure in our own backyard. In 1883, Marengo caves were discovered and have been amazing visitors ever since. Explore the caves on different walking tours, mine for gemstones, and bring a little adventure to someone’s weekend with admission as a gift. The caves are illuminated to guide your path through stunning rock and mineral formations naturally occurring for thousands of years. 

Maple Hill Manor Bed and Breakfast

Have your other half’s birthday or anniversary coming up? Schedule a babysitter for the weekend and enjoy a romantic mini vacation away from the hustle and bustle. Maple Hill Manor is a historic bed and breakfast that features traditional country furnishings, beautiful landscape and a short drive from plenty of fantastic local restaurants. This charming bed and breakfast is just what the doctor ordered for some rest and rejuvenation, without traveling too far from your precious littles.

So instead of a tangible gift this year, why not try some tickets to an amazing Louisville area experience?

Life is sweeter when we’re able to take a step back from stress and can celebrate with family and friends in the beautiful city we call home.