May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

One of the areas of mental health that often go misdiagnosed or mistreated is postpartum depression in new and veteran mothers. 

Each year almost 20% of new mothers in the United States are diagnosed with postpartum depression.

When including mothers that experience infant loss or miscarriage, these numbers total to 900,000 women each year. 

Postpartum depression is a serious mental illness and with the stigma surrounding the diagnosis, many women avoid seeking help or acknowledging that something is wrong. It's not just the women experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety but the safety and well being of their children who may be subject to developmental lags and susceptibility to childhood illnesses when mothers are unable to bond or care for their new baby as well as they should.

In many cases, postpartum depression is sparked by hormone imbalances and stress in our bodies as they recover from birth. Balancing these hormones and chemicals in our bodies during postpartum recovery can often reduce the chances of developing postpartum depression or dramatically improve symptoms. 

Placenta Encapsulation

Placenta encapsulation is a growing postpartum trend in the U.S. that has for centuries helped women abroad feel more control over their body's adjustment to healing after birth.

The placenta is a powerhouse of nutrients and can provide some of the hormones in our bodies that are lost during birth and hormone levels that become strained or reduced as you transition home with your new baby. During encapsulation, your placenta is professionally processed into capsules that can help your body find the balance it needs to encourage healing and rejuvenation. Placenta puts oxytocin back in our bodies and promotes bonding behaviors with your baby and can even help your uterus shrink back down to it's appropriate size. 

A placenta regimen can also restore your body's CRH supply, a hormone that naturally reduces stress and helps manage the stressful transition home during those first few weeks. 

With less strain on a mother's body, many experience a more pleasant and comfortable postpartum recovery. These improvements in mood, emotional and mental health have been used to decrease postpartum depression risks and symptoms in many and continue to be a resource. Some medical professionals recommend to their patients as a healthy alternative to prescribed medications for mood disorders.

If you or a loved one has experienced postpartum depression or are researching prevention measures, placenta encapsulation might be a great option for you. 

Take control of your postpartum recovery to feel more confident through your journey into motherhood. Your doula or postpartum placenta specialist can help you design a routine that works best for you and your family. 

Postpartum depression deserves our support and together we can encourage victims of mental illness, postpartum depression or anxiety to seek the help and resources they need.